Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Defendor trailer

The Wolfman trailer

Saint John of Las Vegas trailer

A.D. - animated zombie

3D is in

It only takes a couple of billion to be raked in for everyone to jump on the bandwagon. Clash of the Titans and the Harry Potter films will now be released in 3D. Thanks a lot Avatar!

I'm not sure if I'm being sarcastic about this -- but I am worried. Greed has a funny way of fucking things up. The plan is to take movies shot in 2D and convert them to 3D. Sure, it can be done, but it has only been done on select scenes in previous movies. Now, to take an entire movie and convert it to 3D -- what makes them think it will be Avatar? Which was shot in 3D?

I guess I can always just go and see it in 2D.

But probably not.

in reference to: Rumors Are Official: Final 2 ‘Harry Potter’ Films, And ‘Clash Of The Titans’, In 3D – (view on Google Sidewiki)