Sunday, February 11, 2007

City of Rott (2006)

City of Rott is a zombie flick like not other. It's a stylized animated movie that's sure to put a smile on a gore-hound's rotting face. I think filmmaker Frank Sudol was out to ensure that not one frame of the movie was left untouched with blood. And he accomplished that with style and humour. City of Rott doesn't take itself seriously, doesn't even attempt to explain why, or why so much blood, or give a backstory, or anything. It's simple. It's a story about a old man that is slowly losing his mind in a city that has been overrun by zombies. Aided by his Walker, he wanders the City of Rott looking for a new pair of shoes, while dodging zombies and the blood-hungry worms that live in their skulls. Along the way, many zombies will feel the wrath of the Walker. But you know how this is going to end ... it's how all zombie movies end. The old man does put up a good fight however.

Here's the spin from the back of the DVD box:
"Alone, unarmed, and losing his mind, an old man named Fred is trapped in a city overrun by legions of the living dead. Driven by parasitic worms that infest their decaying bodies, hordes of rotting zombies roam the city searching for living flesh to feast upon.

Against overwhelming odds, Fred must battle his way out of the infernal city or find himself consumed by the mindless hordes in the CITY OF ROTT. With only his trusty walker as support, and not even a decent pair of sneakers to warm his aching feet, can Fred possibly escape his diabolical nightmare?

Made for true Zombie Fans, CITY OF ROTT pulls no punches. Featuring insane amounts of zombie BLOOD AND GORE, this animated horror adventure assaults you with nonstop action where one "shot to the head" is never enough. Diabolical combat, blood-soaked thrills, extravagant gore and as funny as Hell, CITY OF ROTT will fulfill your most fiendish desires! You have been warned!"

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